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Sweet Betty's Cookie Emporium


Sweet Betty is a children's story written by my dear friend, Dr. Liz Miller Smith and illustrated by myself. The idea was brought forth by the learned reality that millions of elderly neighbors spend the holidays alone. In this story, a sweet grandma named Miss Betty bakes cookies by the dozens every year for her family when they visit. Then one year, a snowstorm comes through and shuts down travel, so Miss Betty is left alone after pouring all her love into her baking.


The neighborhood parents start to worry about Miss Betty so they send their kids out to check on her. Upon meeting Miss Betty for the first time, the kids are excited to see all the cookies and Miss Betty is overjoyed to share her baked goods with them. A cross-generational friendship is sparked through the creativity of Miss Betty and the kids' imaginations. Sometimes the best traditions are born from tribulation!


Below are some concept sketches and style test renders.

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Sweet Betty's House

Concept Sketches
Copywrite Valerie Hird, 2020

Sweet Betty Herself
Sweet Betty
Lou Ann
Sweet Betty
Lou Ann
Sweet Betty's House
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